Yvonne Rainer Trio A 老いぼれバージョン レビュー by

-『Yvonne Rainer Trio A(老いぼれバージョン)』レビュー by ……-音質も荒く、ヴィルトゥオーソの卓越した指さばきが楽しめるわけでも必ずしもないが、そこには一級の技術と表現力を持つ現代のピアニストによる洗練された…… イヴォンヌ・レイナーを巡るパフォーマティヴ・エクシビジョン『Yvonne Rainer Trio A(老いぼれバージョン)』レビュー by 門林岳史. 作曲家による自作ピアノ演奏が好きだ。例えばモーリス・ラヴ… Facebook Twitter Line WhatsApp…… Yvonne Rainer. Trio A. 1978 MoMATrio A, a solo dance by Rainer, was initially performed in 1966 as a trio by Rainer and fellow New York choreographer-dancers David Gordon and Steve Paxton…… My Seven Seconds of Anyone Can Do It (but Not Really) Dance-Our critic is a lapsed dancer. But she jumped at the chance to perform a seven-second phrase from Yvonne Rainer's “Trio A” for a film. Trio A Video Data BankTrio A. Yvonne Rainer. 1978 | 00:10:30 | United States | English | B&W | Silent | 4:3 | Film. Stephen Petronio Revives Yvonne Rainer's “Trio A with Flags”-Indeed, it was a sort of theme song of that transition. First done as a trio (by Rainer and her colleagues David Gordon and Steve Paxton), it…… Who Is Yvonne Rainer, and Why Is She Important? Art News-Many artists who saw the original Trio A live were deeply affected by it. When Rainer danced the piece as part of The Mind is a Muscle in 1968,…… Yvonne Rainer, Trio A (1978) Walking as Artistic Practice-She was trained in a style of movement characterized by expressiveness and virtuosity and in narrative choreography filled with drama and…… --
Trio A Video Data Bank